Updating your Inspectioneering account information

Updating your Inspectioneering account information

Visit the Account Settings page to do the following:
  1. Modify your profile information, such as your name and company.
  2. View your billing information, including your past order history and receipts from Inspectioneering.com transactions.
  3. Change your password.
  4. Update your delivery information that is used when we mail the print edition of Inspectioneering Journal.
  5. View your current subscription status.
  6. Customize your interests to personalize the content that you see on Inspectioneering.
  7. Manage your bookmarks.
  8. Manage your email subscriptions to Inspectioneering's various newsletters and digests.
Note: Currently, you cannot change your account's email address in Account Settings. Please read this article to learn how to change your email address.